Yeah, completely in twitter-fever! Just developed a tweet-button.

You can see the button at the end of every post. The button itself of course isn’t my work, I just copied it from twitter, but when you click the link around it you can tweet the actual post directly to twitter! Feel free to try it! ;)

It’s more than easy. All the code you need is (replace […]):

<a href="[URL_TO_THIS_SITE]&amp;lang=[en|de|..]&amp;via=[NAME_OF_YOUR_TWITTER_ACCOUNT_FOR_@_LINK]&amp;text=[TEXT_FOR_TWITTERMSG]" >
      Tweet it <img src="[TWITTER_IMAGE]"/>

So the code that I wrote in my theme is:

if ( is_singular() )
	$tweet = '<span id="tweetit"><a href="'.$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"].'&amp;lang=en&amp;via=binfalse&amp;text='.the_title('', '', false).'" >
	<span id="tweetittext">Tweet it</span>
	<img src="/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/btn_tweet_mini.png"/>
	$tweet .= "<br />";

After that just using the $tweet variable at any position I like ;)

Here you can find a documentation.

Martin Scharm

stuff. just for the records.

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