Just discovered a nice way to take screenshots of web sites from the command line! No browser needed. Cool.

The tool I’d like to advertise is called gnome-web-photo :

aptitude install gnome-web-photo

For instance. To take generate an image of my website just call:

gnome-web-photo --timeout=60  binfalse.png

Just take a look at binfalse.png to examine the result. I obtained a 1024x6334 image. I guess the main use case is to generate some kind of preview/thumbnail. To get a thumbnail simply add --mode=thumbnail :

gnome-web-photo --timeout=60 --mode=thumbnail  binfalse-thumb.png

Afaik, there is no option to generate a larger thumb, but you could just pass --width= without the --mode=thumbnail . And then crop the pic yourself (e.g. using imagemagick). However, you need to run X and you need to have GTK, if I understand correctly. Nevertheless, I like that solution.

Martin Scharm

stuff. just for the records.

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