Dockerising Contao 4
Last year, we moved the website of our department from Typo3 to Contao version 3. I wrote about that in Dockerising a Contao website and Dockerising a Contao website II. Now it was time to upgrade from Contao version 3 to 4. And as usual: Things have changed… So, how to jail a Contao 4 into a Docker container?
Similar to Contao 3, we use two images for our Contao 4 site. One is a general Contao 4 installation, the other one is our personalised version.
A general Contao 4 image
The general Contao 4 is based on an PHP image that includes an Apache webserver. In addition, we need to
- install a few dependencies,
- enable some Apache modules,
- install some extra PHP extensions,
- install Composer,
- and finally use Composer to install Contao.
This time, I outsourced the installation of Composer into a seperate script
php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"
ACTUAL_SIGNATURE="$(php -r "echo hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php');")"
>&2 echo 'ERROR: Invalid installer signature'
rm composer-setup.php
exit 1
mkdir -p /composer/packages
php -d memory_limit=-1 composer-setup.php --install-dir=/composer
rm composer-setup.php
#chown -R www-data: /composer
exit $RESULT
Thus, you’ll find a current composer installation in /composer
The Dockerfile for the general image then boils down to the following:
FROM php:7-apache
MAINTAINER martin scharm <>
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y -q --no-install-recommends \
wget \
curl \
unzip \
zlib1g-dev \
libpng-dev \
libjpeg62-turbo \
libjpeg62-turbo-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev \
libfreetype6-dev \
libmcrypt-dev \
libxml2-dev \
libzip-dev \
ssmtp \
&& apt-get clean \
&& rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& a2enmod expires headers rewrite
RUN docker-php-source extract \
&& docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/ --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include/ \
&& docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) zip gd curl pdo pdo_mysql soap intl \
&& docker-php-source delete
RUN bash / \
&& chown -R www-data: /var/www
USER www-data
RUN php -d memory_limit=-1 /composer/composer.phar create-project contao/managed-edition /var/www/html '4.4.*'
PLEASE NOTE: sSMTP is not maintained anymore! Please switch to
, for example, as I explained in Migrating from sSMTP to msmtp.
This image includes the package for sSMTP to enable support for mails. To learn how to configure sSMTP, have a look into my earlier article Mail support for Docker’s php:fpm.
Alltogether, this gives us a proper recipe to get a dockerised Contao 4. It is also available from the Docker Hub as binfalse/contao.
A personalised Contao 4 image
Based on that general Docker image, you can now create your personalised Docker image. There is a template in the corresponding Github repository.
A few things worth mentioning:
- After installing additional contao modules, you should clear Contao’s cache using:
RUN php -q -d memory_limit=-1 /var/www/html/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/bin/contao-console cache:clear --env=prod --no-warmup
- Contao still does not respect the
… Thus, if running behind a reverse proxy, Contao assumes its accessed through plain HTTP and won’t deliver HTTPS links. I explained that in Contao 3: HTTPS vs HTTP. However, the workaround for Contao 3 doesn’t work anymore - and there seems to be no proper solution for Contao 4. Therefore, we need to inject some code into theapp.php
… Yes, you read correctly… Ugly, but anyway, can easily be done using:
RUN sed -i.bak 's%/\*%$_SERVER["HTTPS"] = 1;/*%' /var/www/html/web/app.php
- The composer-based installation apparently fails to set the files’ links. Thus we need to do it manually:
RUN mkdir -p /var/www/html/files && ln -s /var/www/html/files /var/www/html/web/files
Everything else should be pretty self-explaining…
Tying things together
Use Docker-Compose or whatever to spawn a container of your personalised image (similar to Contao 3: Docker-Compose).
Just make sure, you mount a few things correctly into the container:
- your files need to go to
- Contao’s configuration belongs to
, as usual - Symfony’s configuration belongs to
- For the mail configuration see Mail support for Docker’s php:fpm
Please note, that the database connection must be configured in Symfony’s parameters.yml
! Instead of Contao’s localconfig.php
, as it used to be for Contao 3.
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