java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
February 12th, 2011I was just contacted concerning this Java memory problem, here is how you can get rid of it.
The amount of Ram for an Java application is limited by the JVM. To provide more memory to a single application you can start your Java process with two more parameters, like:
This allows Java to use up to 1024 MB. Here -Xms
specifies the initial heap size, while -Xmx
determines the maximum size.
For machines with much more mem you might use g
instead of m
to set the size in gig’s. So -Xmx10g
limits the amount of RAM to 10 GB.
Of course it’s annoying to apply these parameters to all your Java runs, so to change this behavior user-wide, you may create an alias like:
or better: Tell it to the Java Plugin Control Panel!
Using Xfce you can find this tool in your panel’s menu in the Settings section. Gnome users may look in System > Preferences. If you don’t want to move your mouse you can also run ControlPanel
from your terminal.
This opens a window, default parameters can be applied in the tab Java, click View… and add your parameters to the Runtime Parameters column. This tool afterwards writes something like the following line to $HOME/.java/deployment/
So advanced users craving for trouble may edit this file on it’s own :-P
MySQL upgrade failed
February 11th, 2011Still upgrading some of our servers from lenny to squeeze, actually I run into MySQL trouble…
While upgrading from the package mysql-server
5.0.51a-24+lenny5 -> 5.1.49-3
aptitude told me the following:
Mmh, a look into the /var/log/syslog
pointed to the following errors:
Many messages at once.. To make a long story short the main problem is this line:
So edit your /etc/mysql/my.cnf
and comment the following line (in my configuration it’s line 94):
That’s it, retry to configure the new version and everything will turn out all right.
Apache not parsing PHP files
February 10th, 2011I just had a confusing problem: instead of interpreting PHP-scripts in our webserver’s userdir apache serves them for download!
It’s caused by an upgrade from lenny to squeeze and I spend a lot of ours with fixing.
This is really a serious problem, these sites aren’t able to read for those people/search engines etc. that are browsing and, more fatal, if clients are able to access the PHP code of our students/staff they might explore security issues or passwords stored in these PHP files, so first of all I disabled the public access to the webserver.
So what was the problem? When I recognized that phpMyAdmin and other not userdir related stuff still works fine, I searched for issues that differ for userdirs. At long last I took a look into the libapache2-mod-php5
config file located in /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.conf
As you can see, PHP is disabled if the userdir module was enabled… Disgusting! Commenting these lines out switched PHP for users on. Very annoying!
It's squeeezzed
February 6th, 2011Yes, Debian’s 6th release, codename squeeze, has become stable yesterday!
Those of you following Debian on twitter should have noticed yet, they announced it in about 4 million tweets ;-)
To mark the occasion the also redesigned the whole web presence, just take a look at their new layout!
This article is just a small THANK YOU to the whole Debian team, they are working hard to make your life much more comfortable! Great work guys!
By the way I send some greetings to all the administrators out there running Debian. Just have a look at figure 1 :-P
freiesMagazin 02/2011 published
February 6th, 2011The journal freiesMagazin just published it’s February issue, describing all the bots that took part in the programming contest.
Those of you that aren’t convinced by this topic, they also have a nice article about VirtualBox and KVM! So go out and grab a copy!