Extracts various types of archives.
A lot of people are still archiving hundreds of files directly to the root of an archive (wink to Rumpel :P). So if you extract them there is a lot of waste in your current directory and you don’t know what comes from the extracted archive and what was there before!? This script first creates an directory before it extracts an archive into it.
Supported file extensions:
- .tar.gz
- .tgz
- .tar.bz2
- .tar.bzip2
- .tar
- .zip
- .bz2
- .gz
- .lha
- .ace
- .rar
- .cab
- .xpi
- .jar
- .deb
- .lzo
Of course it is just a wrapper and you need the specific tools that extracts the archives.
Download it directly from your terminal:
wget http://binfalse.de/assets/media/wp-content/uploads/stuff/scripts/unpack
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