New logo for Iceweasel
Actually iceweasel is searching for a new logo.
When I updated a PC of our work group I recognized that iceweasel, iceape and icedove are searching for new logos. Micha just created one for iceweasel with xfig, here is a similar one with tikz:
\draw (-1,0) circle (1cm);
\draw (-1.2,0.3) circle (0.15cm);
\draw (-0.11,-0.4) -- (1,-1);
\draw (1,-1) -- (3,-1);
\draw (2,-1) -- (2.5,-2);
\draw (2,-1) -- (1.5,-2);
\draw (4,-1) -- (6,-1);
\draw (6,-1) -- (6.5,-2);
\draw (6,-1) -- (5.5,-2);
\draw (6,-1) -- (8,0.5);
\draw (-1.9,-0.4) .. controls +(190:1.8cm) and +(180:1.2cm) .. (-2,0);
\draw (-0.7,0.95) .. controls +(90:0.2cm) and +(60:1.8cm) .. (-1.1, 1);
\draw (-1.5,0.85) .. controls +(60:1.6cm) and +(60:0.2cm) .. (-0.85, 1.4);
\draw (3.5,-3) -- (2.5,1);
\draw (3.5,-3) -- (4.5,1);
\draw (3.5,2.5) circle (1cm);
\filldraw [white, draw=black] (2.8,1.7) circle (1cm);
\filldraw [white, draw=black] (4,1.5) circle (1cm);
If the maintainer understand something about art they will use one of our creations! ;)
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