The EURion constallation on a letter
The EURion constallation on a letter

Some time ago I’ve heard about the EURion constellation. Never heard about it? Has nothing to do with stars or astrology. It’s the thing on your money! :)

Take a closer look at your bills and you’ll discover plenty of EURions, as shown in the picture on the right. Just a few inconspicuous dots. So what’s it all about? The EURion constellation is a pattern to be recognized by imaging software, so that it can recognize banknotes. It was invented to prevent people from copying money :)

But I don’t know of any law that prohibits using that EURion, so I’ve been playing around with it. Took me some trials to find the optimal size, but I was able to create a \(LaTeX\) document that includes the EURion. That’s the essential tex code:

wanna scan my letter?

The whole \(LaTeX\) environment can be found on GitHub, together with the EURion image and stuff. I also provide the resulting letter.

Of course I immediately asked some friends to try to scan the letter, but it turns out, that not all scanners/printers are aware of the EURion… So it’s a bit disappointing, but I learned another thing. Good good. And to be honest, I do not have a good use case. Why should I prevent someone from printing my letters? Maybe photographers can use the EURion in their images. Copyright bullshit or something…

Martin Scharm

stuff. just for the records.

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1 comment

Sonny Alvarez | Permalink |

Hello; thank you for the information on your website re: the EURion consellation on letters. I prnited the sample letter and scanned it and the document scanned ok.. I am sendnig this message to ask if there is an updated solution to preparing an unscannable letter that you may be aware of? Thank you for your time.

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